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Pub Year Map Maker Pub Place Map Title Map Price (USD) Picture
1853Williams, WellingtonPhiladelphiaA New Map of the United States, upon which are delineated its vast works of Internal Communication, Routes across the Continent &c. Showing also Canada and the Island of Cuba.$2,400 Picture

An lithographed map with hand colored outlines.

Size: 24-1/2 inches x 29 inches; Scale: 1 inch = approximately 65 miles.

Map Type: Pocket

This is a superior copy, with vivid hand-drawn outline colors.

This map is bound into Williams' The Traveller's and Tourist's Guide through the United States, Canada, Etc., exhibitin gthe various routes of travel, with explanatory notes . . . published by Lippincott, Grambo & Co. in 1853.

This map is very detailed and has been updated to the most current information available in 1855. Railroads that were previously shown as planned are now shown complete. Kansas and Nebraska Territories are both shown shortly after they were established as territories. This is one of the earliest maps illustrate the newly organized Washington Territory.

Many new proposed railroads appear west of the Mississippi and are named on both the main map and the large inset. Emigrate routes of Oregon and Santa Fe to Sacramento City are illustrated.

Inset maps: City and Harbor of Havana; Map of the Island of Cuba; Map of California, Oregon, New Mexico, Utah, & c.

References: A List of Maps of America in the Library of Congress, p. 901, Phillips, P.L, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1901; Wheat Transmississippi 769

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